VRG Tech Training

Master Mainframe with VRG Technologies - Your Gateway to Advanced Tech Skills

Comprehensive Mainframe Training in Madipakkam, Chennai

Mainframe Modernization

Mainframe modernization involves updating legacy mainframe systems to incorporate modern interfaces, development environments, and DevOps tooling integration. This transformation aims to eliminate the limitations of the legacy environment while preserving mainframe features like reliability, availability, serviceability (RAS), security, and scalability. Despite the simplicity in concept, modernizing enterprise workloads is complex. Let’s explore what mainframe modernization entails, how to achieve it, and the available options.

What is Mainframe Modernization?

Mainframe modernization can range from enhancing existing mainframe applications with modern user interfaces to fully converting them to distributed applications in languages like Java/J2EE or .Net, or even hosting them on cloud infrastructures.

How to Achieve Mainframe Modernization

1. Front-End Modernization:

Modernizing the front end with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) based on Eclipse, such as IBM Developer for z (IDz) and z Open Development (ZOD), offers significant benefits. Utilizing Eclipse’s framework for code analysis, program outline views, and code snippets simplifies enhancements and reduces the effort required.

2. Middleware Integration:

Integrating middleware components with REST APIs enables access through web browsers and other tools. This approach facilitates modernization by allowing applications to interact seamlessly with contemporary technologies.

3. DevOps Implementation:

 By utilizing tools such as Jenkins for z/OS, GIT for z/OS, IBM DBB, and UCD on z/OS, organizations can transform their legacy applications into an Enterprise DevOps environment. This transformation enhances agility and streamlines development and operations processes, facilitating more efficient and responsive workflows.

4. Cloud Migration:

Approaches to mainframe modernization include re-hosting, re-platforming, or refactoring applications for cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Private (GCP). The benefits of these approaches include leveraging the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud infrastructure.

Services Provided by VRG Technologies

  • Modern Development Tools:

Offering modern, GUI-based tools for mainframe development, operations, and administration to address challenges like cumbersome green screen interfaces, time-consuming navigations, and high costs associated with legacy systems.

  • Operational Efficiency:

Reducing the effort and time required for program compilation and mainframe usage (MIPS), thus improving operational efficiency.

  • Middleware Modernization:

Enabling middleware access via modern web technologies to enhance application interactions and user experiences.

  • DevOps and Agile Practices:

Implementing DevOps tools and practices to streamline development, improve code quality, and accelerate delivery cycles.

  • Cloud Solutions:

Providing options for migrating mainframe applications to cloud environments to take advantage of modern infrastructure capabilities.

Our Mainframe Training Classes covers

  • Initial Program Load (IPL)
  • PARMLIB changes
  • Job Entry Subsystem (JES)
  • CATALOG Management
  • Security Definitions (RACF)
  • Hardware Management Console (HCD) for defining Hardware
  • System Management Facility (SMF)
  • Resource Management Facility (RMF)
  • Workload Management with Work Load Manager (WLM)
  • Health Checker for z/OS, LOGREC for any error logs
  • zOSMF (z/OS Management Facility
  • Dump and Traces for Trouble shooting
CICS Administration
  • Functions of OLTP & System Components
  • CICS Start up types –
  • CICSTS Datasets – used in Startup Procedure
  • CICS System Initialization Parameter
  • CICS Resource Definition with CEDA – Group and Transaction,
  • Resource Definition using DFHCSDUP Utilities
  • Resource Copy and Move, Rename
  • CEDA Lock and UNLOCK
  • CICS Supplied Transactions – CECI, CEBR, CETR, CEDF and CMAC
  • CEMT to Inquire and Discard
  • CEMT SET options
  • CEMT to Monitor Region
  • Cemt PERFORM options
  • CICS SIP DSAs – Significance
  • CICS Region Monitoring
  • Inter system Communication – MRO and ISC classification
  • CICS with DB2 Interface – DB2 Connection Object
  • CICS with DB2 – DSNC Transaction and Options
  • DSNC to use DB2 commands
  • CICS with MQ Subsystem
  • CKQC transaction and Options
  • CICS Journals – DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT
  • CICS Journals – for Applications Resource Definition
  • CICS Operational Utilities
  • DFHDU650 Utility
  • DFHTU650 Utility
  • CICS Monitoring Utility
  • CICS Problem Analysis – System Hung, Wait Status
DB2 Administration
  • DB2 Data Objects
  • Database, Data, System Admin tasks and DBA tasks
  • Types of DBAs and Multi-platform DBA issues
  • Conceptual, Logical and Physical Data model,
  • Normalization and Normal forms
  • Normalization in Practice and Data Modelling Issues
  • Denormalization and DDL.
  • Database application development and SQL- DDL, DML, DCL
  • Granting and Revoking authority, Authorization roles and Groups
  • External Security
  • Database Backup and Recovery-Preparing for problems,
  • IMAGE Copy backups, Recovery
  • Alternatives to backup and Recovery, Point in time Recovery
  • Data Movement-DB2 Online utilities
  • Data Maintenance –DB2 Online utilities
  • Data Statistics – Db2 Online Utilities
  • DB2 Address spaces
  • DSNZPARM parameters and DB2 Operational activities.
  • Basics in REXX with DB2 Environment.
  • DB2 Basic operational activities
  • Program Preparation
  • Using PLAN and PACKAGES.
MQ Administration
  • Architecture of WebSphere MQ – Messaging & Queuing
  • MQ Objects and its functions
  • MQSC Commands
  • MQ Object Status – Queue Status from Panel and Commands
  • Getting display of MQ Resource with Commands
  • MQ Channel Initiator – Commands to Start up and Shutdown
IMS/DB Administration
  • Describe the function of Database
  • Database manager
  • Database handling
  • Hierarchic Announcement Material (A/M)
  • Other Data Language/Integrated (DL/I) functions
  • Transaction manager
  • Transaction message procedure IMS Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) logging
  • IMS online change
  • DBRC overview
  • DBRC log control
  • DBCTL concepts
  • IMS DB/TM system definition (IMS Sysgen)
  • IMS DB/TM system execution and operation
DB2 Programming
      • DB2 CONCEPTS

                 – Choosing Programming Languages and Methods to Use

                 – Preparing an Application Program to Run

                 – Writing Static SQL Applications

                 – Overview of Static SQL

                 – Static SQL Programming Concepts


                 – Static SQL Programming Concepts

                 – Dynamic SQL Applications

      • Types of Dynamic SQL
      • Dynamic SQL Programming Concepts
      • Triggers

                 – Triggers for Active Data

                 – Coding Triggers

                 – Parts of a Trigger

                 – Trigger Cascading


                 – Scrollable Cursors

                 – Sensitive Scrollable Cursors

                 – In sensitive Scrollable Cursors

Sensitive Dynamic Scrollable Cursors

Stored Procedure Concepts – Introduction

CICS Programming
  • CICS Structure and components

           – System Programs

           – System Tables

           – Application Programs

           – Mapsets

  • CICS Control programs and Control Tables

           – Simple Application program to get input, process it and send output to the terminal

           – EXEC INTERFACE BLOCK Concept and Usage

           – Using a COMMAREA

           – Pseudo conversational design



           – SEND and RECEIVE

           – Exception handling



           – NOHANDLE and RESP commands


           – Scroll CEDF displays

           – Overtype argument values and response codes on CEDF displays

           – Display the EXEC Interface Block

           – Display previously traced commands

           – Continue CEDF with pseudo conversational transactions

           – Request a task ABEND from CEDF


           – Map preparation and usage

           – How to create a BMS Mapset

           – Physical and Symbolic Map

           – How to design user-friendly screens

           – How attributes control the look and operation of a field

           – How to code BMS macros

           – The BMS mapset and symbolic map for the customer maintenance program

           –  How to assemble a BMS mapset

           – Extended attributes

           – Cursor positioning

           – Dynamic Attribute Character Assignments


           – Data declarations to reference records and rows

           – Accessing VSAM Files ESDS, KSDS etc.

           – Reading single records and rows

           – Reading sets of records and rows

           – Adding, deleting, and modifying records and rows

           – Integrity considerations


           – CICS transient data queues

           – Intra and Extra Partition Data Sets

           – Features of TDQ

           – Automatic Task Initiation

           – CICS temporary storage queues


           – LINK with COMMAREA

           – XCTL with COMMAREA

           – The COBOL CALL

           – STARTing a new transaction

           – Pseudo Conversational Techniques

  • CICS With Database DB2

           – CICS with DB2

           – How to access DB2 from CICS region

  • SDF to design Map
Mainframe Basics course coverages
    • Introduction to mainframe – History – Evaluation of Hardware –
    • Evaluation of Software
    • Introduction to Mainframe – z /15 architecture
    • Virtual Storage – Address map structure – 64 bit Addressing Map
    • z/OS Elements – Base & Optional Elements
    • Brief introduction on Major Subsystems
    • TSO/ISPF and Navigation through a mainframe
    • ISPF – Other ISPF Menu Options – Utility Selection Panel
    • JCL Introduction

               – JCL Statements,

               – Sample JCL with utility

               – JCL Introduction,

               – JOB, EXEC & DD Statement syntax & explanation

               – Submitting the JCL with IBM supplied utilities

               – SDSF

    • JCL Utilities & Procedure

              – IBM Utilities – Utilities like IEFBR14, IEBGENER – IEBGENER to copy and Concatenate datasets;

    • Special DD Statements – SORT and MERGE
    • Procedures – Cataloged and Instream
    • Usage Procedure concepts
    • Advanced JCL –
    • Internal reader – Overriding DD Statements,
    • COND Parameters – IF … ELSE


    • JCL with multiple steps coding – Usage of IEBEDIT to restart job with specific steps
    • ICETOOL Utility to get Sort and Customized Report
    • JES2 and JES3 Command handling"
    • VSAM Introduction

               – VSAM data Organization-Types of Data sets – Data set

Organization- Control Interval – ESDS Creation
      • Control Area and Different types of data sets
      • VSAM AMS, IDCAMs –

                 – DEFINE, ALTER – Creating VSAM Data set;

      • IDCAMS

                 – Altering the attributes of data sets –

                 – Printing the data set information – Deleting data set -Listing the information 

      • IDCAMS – Alternate Index and PATH
      • Generation Data Group Dataset -Creation – Print options
      • Generation Data Group Dataset -Delete options
      • EXPORT & IMPORT for Backup and Recovery
      • VSAM Data set handling through ISPF Options
      • TSO DITTO







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