VRG Tech Training

Get Started - Begin Your Journey to Success

Customize Your Learning – Tailor Courses to Fit Your Needs

Java Full Stack Development

Dive deep into full stack development with our comprehensive Java course, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced frameworks and real-world application development.

Dev Ops

Master the essential skills of software development and IT operations to maintain and streamline production workflows. Learn infrastructure setup, application deployment, and continuous monitoring.

UI/UX Design

Embark on a career in UI/UX with our course designed to teach you the principles of user-centric design, enhancing user satisfaction and optimizing user interface for various digital products.

Digital Marketing

Propel your marketing career with our in-depth digital marketing training. Gain expertise in SEO, PPC, social media marketing, content strategy, and analytics.

Data Science

Transform data into insights with our data science program. Learn from industry professionals about machine learning, statistical analysis, and predictive modeling in both classroom and online settings.

Python Programming

From introductory programming to advanced data handling, our Python course offers a versatile learning path for developing applications or automating tasks in any industry.

Software Testing

Ensure software reliability and performance through our extensive testing course, covering test case development, automation tools, and quality assurance best practices.

Human Resources Training

Enhance your HR skills to better manage talent and contribute to organizational success. Learn modern HR practices and strategic personnel management.

Soft Skills Training

Enhance your employability and professional communication with our targeted soft skills training, focusing on self-confidence, effective communication, and interview preparation.

Our simple 4 step process

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Choose Your Course

Discover your passion. Learn new skills. Grow your knowledge. Advance your career. Succeed in your goals. Join us today and start your journey towards success!


Make Registration

Sign up now to access our wide range of courses. Begin your learning journey, connect with experts, and achieve your goals. Register today and take the first step towards a brighter future!


Complete Payment

Secure your spot by completing your payment. Choose from various payment options for a seamless transaction. Confirm your enrollment today and get ready to start learning!


Enjoy Your Learning

Dive into your chosen course and start your educational journey. Engage with interactive content, connect with peers, and gain valuable knowledge. Enjoy the process and achieve your learning goals!

Let's check all our services

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Java Full Stack Development

Frontend Fundamentals

Backend Integration

Database Management

RESTful Services

Spring Framework

Version Control

Dev Ops

Continuous Integration

Infrastructure Automation

Orchestration Tools

Monitoring Techniques

Configuration Management

Cloud Deployment

UI/UX Design

Design Principles

User Research

Wireframing Skills

Prototyping Techniques

Visual Design Fundamentals

Interaction Design

Usability Testing

Digital Marketing

IT project management

Data management and analysis

Business continuity

Web design and development

Disaster recovery planning

Cloud computing and storage

Data Science

Litigation and dispute resolution

Contracts review and drafting

Estate planning and probate

Criminal defense

Intellectual property

Personal injury

Employment law

Python Programming

Market research and analysis


Branding and identity

Event marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Software Testing

IT project management

Data management and analysis

Business continuity

Web design and development

Disaster recovery planning

Cloud computing and storage

Human Resources Training

Litigation and dispute resolution

Contracts review and drafting

Estate planning and probate

Criminal defense

Intellectual property

Personal injury

Employment law

Soft Skills Training

Market research and analysis


Branding and identity

Event marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising